Measure G was completed in June 30th, 2017.
In 2002, the citizens of Solano County and Winters stepped up to make an investment in their future by voting to improve and expand the facilities of the Solano Community College District. The Measure G Bond Program was initially passed in the amount of $124.5 Million and with interest over the years the bond fund has grown to slightly over $150 Million.
We are proud to report on and showcase the many improvements that have been made with the Measure G funds over the past nine years. Specifically, we can first point to four totally new facilities: To serve the southern and northern ends of the County respectively, we now have the new Vallejo and Vacaville Centers. These are beautiful additions to both cities, each boasting over 35,000 square feet of instructional space, including not only classrooms, but multi-purpose rooms, lecture halls and state-of-the-art science labs! Additionally, two totally new facilities have also been added to the Fairfield Campus -- a 39,000 square foot Student Services Building and a modern, well-equipped Adaptive PE facility.
Besides constructing the new facilities, we have modernized or renovated all or part of 15 other buildings, completed 19 infrastructure projects, and brought the District up to date in the technology services area. We also have two major projects (a new Learning Resources Center and a renovated Theater Arts/Music building) submitted to the State -- they are both high in the queue for state funding when the next state facilities bond passes. Last but not least, we have three major building addition/remodels and four campus infrastructure projects currently in process, all scheduled for completion by the end of 2012/2013! We also had promised that we would invite Sonoma State University to partner with us in Vallejo and Solano County. We accomplished that and as of the fall 2011, the program is in its second year and serving our citizens.
Needless to say, we are extremely pleased and proud of all of our Measure G Bond accomplishments! More importantly, the people of Solano County and Winters can be equally and justifiably proud of their role in the creation of a truly top quality institution of higher learning in their community -- Solano Community College!
Jowel Laguerre, Ph.D. Superintendent/President
